Economy & Business

With Help of US Gov't, Firestone Built Liberian 'State Within a State'

The Firestone company, the second largest employer in Liberia, is so powerful in that country that the people there have little recourse when they complain that it is poisoning their water. Firestone's massive rubber plantation there was set up with help from the U.S. government in the 1920s. Firestone is now owned by the giant Bridgestone Americas, a Japanese company.

Source: Nation, 07/22/2010

New Federal Web Site Pulls Together Coastal Info

NOAA's "State of the Coast" contains both quick facts and detailed information regarding this 95,000-mile-long zone and all the players involved. It generally addresses longer-term issues, such as environmental degradation, climate, hazards, economics, and demographics.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Green Economy 2010 Blog provides multimedia coverage of its June 28-30, 2010, "Covering the Green Economy" seminar, including investigative environmental journalist Jeff Goodell; Angel Gonzalez, Houston bureau chief for Dow Jones Newswires; Pulitzer winner Gary Cohn; auto writer Jim Motavalli; Susanne Rust, environmental investigative reporter for the Center for Investigative Reporting's California Watch; Shaun McKinnon of the Arizona Republic and Craig Pittman of the St. Petersburg Times; Bryn Nelson, freelance writer and editor, and former award-winning reporter for Newsday; and more.


"Despite Spill, Louisiana Remains Wedded To Oil"

"Louisiana is married to the oil and gas business, for better or for worse. The energy industry depends on Louisiana to supply 30 percent of the nation's oil supply, and Louisiana depends on the industry as the state's biggest economic engine. But there is a cost, as the Deepwater Horizon has proven."

Source: NPR, 06/24/2010


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