"A last-minute health advisory issued by the Bush administration for water contaminated with the toxic chemical C8 may not be nearly stringent enough, according to a new scientific paper."
"The Environmental Protection Agency issued a final rule Monday banning the use of the pesticide carbofuran on food crops, saying it poses an unacceptable health risk, especially to children."
Every night Train No. 339 pulls out of the shabby station in the Punjabi farm town of Bathinda. It has a chilling nickname -- "the cancer train" carries some 60 patients each night to the regional cancer hospital.
Nine dangerous chemicals used in farming and industry will be added to a list of banned substances whose presence in the environment causes serious health risks, more than 160 government agreed on Saturday."
"INSTITUTE, W.Va. -- Bayer CropScience managers knew methyl isocyanate monitors were broken last August when they restarted a pesticide unit where up to 37,000 pounds of the deadly chemical are stored, company officials have confirmed."
"Victims of the 1984 gas leak that killed thousands of people in Bhopal, India took their battle Thursday to the US Congress, seeking pressure on Dow Chemicals."
House Energy Chair Waxman and Senate Commerce Chair Rockefeller call for investigation of whether Bayer could use safer chemicals at its Institute WV plant.