Environmental Health

"EPA Showdown: Who in Texas Wants Tighter Refinery Regulation?"

"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will set up its microphones for an all day hearing Tuesday in Galena Park, a community on Houston’s east side in the heart of the enormous Houston Ship Channel refinery complex. It’s the second of two such hearings with the first held last month in a similar community in Los Angeles."

Source: StateImpact Texas, 08/05/2014

Safe? Not Even Congress Can Get Secret EPA Test Data on Toledo Water

"U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D., Toledo) has told The Blade she is demanding more transparency from environmental regulators after inadvertently learning during a conference call Sunday that Toledo's tap water has been as high as 3 parts per billion for the toxin found in microcystis algae - three times higher than the World Health Organization standard of 1 ppb."

Source: Toledo Blade, 08/05/2014

North Carolina: "Groups: GOP Has Gutted State Pollution Programs"

"CHARLOTTE — When Republicans took control of the North Carolina legislature four years ago, they promised to do away with environmental regulations they claimed hurt economic growth. But environmental groups say lawmakers have gone too far, gutting laws aimed at protecting the public's health."

Source: AP, 08/04/2014

Industrial Sludge Could Be Headed for Farmland in 7 Virginia Counties

"A Baltimore-based company wants to spread waste called industrial sludge on more than 16,000 acres of farm fields in seven Virginia counties, including Hanover and Goochland, but opponents have raised such a stink that Virginia officials are taking extra time to consider the issue."

Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch, 08/04/2014

"Lobbyists Use Secretive White House Office To Block Gov't Regs"

"When Washington lobbyists fail to derail regulations proposed by federal agencies, they often find a receptive ear within the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, an arm of the White House Office of Management and Budget that conducts much of its business in secret."

Source: ProPublica, 08/04/2014


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