Fossil Fuel Industry Wants You To Believe It’s Good For People Of Color
"The letter to Mexico’s energy minister offered a glowing review of a fossil fuel project in Baja California."
"The letter to Mexico’s energy minister offered a glowing review of a fossil fuel project in Baja California."
"Ancient forest advocates are weary of political promises that have so far been unable to slow the pace of clearcut logging in B.C. Here’s how visionaries think the province should move forward to protect beloved trees and critical habitat while making good on commitments to uphold Indigenous rights".
"A coalition of Democrats, Native Americans and liberal activists is urging President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. to nominate one of Congress’s first Native American women to head the Interior Department, putting an American Indian in control of vast swaths of the continent and the Bureau of Indian Affairs."
"A citizen advisory group at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) has collapsed following the regulator’s decision to issue a water-quality permit to Enbridge Energy for its Line 3 oil pipeline cutting through Minnesota."
"The city of Flint and two other defendants have joined a $600-million Flint water crisis settlement the state of Michigan announced in August, bringing the total value of the settlement in the lead poisoning case to $641.2 million, attorneys announced late Tuesday."
"Loeffler, the GOP incumbent, supports Trump’s fossil fuel agenda, while Warnock, a pastor, views climate change as a critical environmental justice concern."
"Tribes in Montana and South Dakota sued the Interior Department Tuesday for clearing a path for the Keystone XL pipeline across their ancestral lands, ignoring the tribes’ jurisdiction."
"The Seal River is Manitoba’s only major waterway that hasn’t been dammed — and five Indigenous communities have banded together to keep it that way by establishing a protected area".
"A five-year-old Stephanie Thorassie sat in front of her father on his snowmobile, nestled between his legs as he drove away from their home in Tadoule Lake, Man. They went over two hills before descending to a beach. Thorassie was stunned.
“On the beach, there were thousands of caribou — right behind my house!” she said, reminiscing about her childhood in the 1990s.
"Marsha Jackson didn’t go to the mountain. The mountain came to her. ... The mountain is human-made — an environmental nightmare of discarded roofing shingles stretching more than a city block. Even though it’s an illegal toxic waste dump on the edge of a neighborhood, it took months of pressure to get city officials to even acknowledge its existence and finally make plans to take it down."
"Newly appointed Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Chairman James Danly (R) has canceled the agency's monthly media briefings and will not take interviews with the press, according to an announcement yesterday that drew criticism from advocates for government transparency."