National (U.S.)

"Unlimited Koch Cash Comes to New York"

"On Thursday, Judge Paul Crotty, who sits on the federal district court in Manhattan, reluctantly allowed unlimited contributions to independent political groups in New York State. 'Reluctantly,' in fact, doesn’t begin to describe how clenched the judge’s teeth were in writing this remarkable opinion, which eloquently describes the dangers of the very act he was allowing."

Source: NY Times, 05/02/2014

Report: Poorest U.S. Minorities at Highest Risk of Chemical Accidents

"Americans at highest risk from accidents at chemical plants are largely from minority communities and are disproportionately poor — and industries and regulators are failing to take measures to make their situation any safer, according to a new study."

Source: Aljazeera America, 05/02/2014

"From Bundy To The KXL: Where's The Property Rights Outrage Here?"

"Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy has become something of a folk hero among the anti-government, pro-property rights crowd, thanks to his recent standoff with the federal Bureau of Land Management. Some landowners in the path of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline want to know where the support for them has been, since their private property will actually be taken away without their approval."

Source: Huffington Post, 05/01/2014


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