Economy & Business

February 5, 2014

Key Legal Issues Facing the Administration in 2014: Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources

The Environmental Law Institute will host a panel of four expert practitioners with an “inside-baseball” discussion about upcoming policies and regulatory agendas at the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Justice, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and the Department of Interior, among other regulatory agencies. Attend live in Washington, DC or via teleconference, 12:00-1:30 p.m. RSVP by Jan 31.


WikiLeaks Exposes Secret Obama Trade Pact on Environment

Corporate lobby groups? Yeah, they can read it. Big campaign donors? They can read it, too. But can the news media and U.S. public read it? — No way! That would be un-American. Welcome to the secretly negotiated trade treaty known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

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