"CSI Cold Case: Unlocking the Mystery of Rising Seas"
What do meltwater surges at the end of the last Ice Age tell us about the manmade climate change that is happening today?
What do meltwater surges at the end of the last Ice Age tell us about the manmade climate change that is happening today?
Here's a list of top climate change stories from SEJournal.
Here's a list of top agriculture stories from SEJournal.
"With pastures withered from a lingering drought, farmers in Texas and northwest Louisiana have abandoned donkeys by the hundreds, turning them into wandering refugees that have severely tested animal rescue groups."
"A future on Earth of more extreme weather and rising seas will require better planning for natural disasters to save lives and limit deepening economic losses, the United Nations said on Wednesday in a major report on the effects of climate change.
"The Obama administration’s proposed rule to control greenhouse gas emissions from new power plants -- the first ever -- could go far toward closing out the era of old-fashioned coal-burning power generation."
We've updated our "Topics on the Beat" pages with new links and an improved design. The resource aims to help reporters with quick introductions to key coverage areas, offering top SEJournal stories and the latest EJToday headlines. Visit our full set of Topics on the Beat on climate, disasters and hurricanes, water & oceans, wildfire, agriculture and the food system, plus a new environmental justice page.
"The world is close to reaching tipping points that will make it irreversibly hotter, making this decade critical in efforts to contain global warming, scientists warned on Monday."