Climate Change

U.N. Chief, UK PM Increase Pressure On Leaders For Climate Change Funds

"UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson urged leaders of the world's major economies including the United States to deliver on their commitments toward a $100 billion per year climate fund with less than six weeks to go before a U.N. climate summit."

Source: Reuters, 09/21/2021

"Canadians Have Re-Elected A Liberal Minority Government"

"Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau has won enough seats in this 44th general election to form another minority government — with voters signalling Monday they trust the incumbent to lead Canada through the next phase of the pandemic fight by handing him a third mandate with a strong plurality."

Source: CBC News, 09/21/2021

"Biden Confronts Extreme Heat, A Silent Climate Killer"

"President Biden launched a government-wide strategy Monday to combat extreme heat, including the development of new federal labor standards aimed at protecting workers from the impact of rising temperatures linked to climate change."

Source: Washington Post, 09/21/2021
September 28, 2021

Planet on the Brink: Documenting the Climate Crisis and Global Environmental Change

This virtual course (eight Tuesdays beginning Sep 28), offered via the Social Documentary Network, is for photographers who are passionate about documenting our changing planet during these unprecedented times and want to use photography as a tool to drive social change. Instructor is Michael O. Snyder, recipient of Decade of Change Award, British Journal of Photography.


"Drought Tests Centuries-Old Water Traditions In New Mexico"

"At the edge of a sandstone outcropping, Teresa Leger Fernández looks out on the Rio Chama. The river tracks a diverse landscape from the southern edge of the Rocky Mountains through rugged basalt hillsides, layers of volcanic tuff, and the red and yellow cliffs made famous by painter Georgia O’Keeffe. Here marks the genesis of New Mexico’s centuries-old tradition of sharing water through irrigation systems known as acequias."

Source: AP, 09/20/2021

"UN Warns of ‘Catastrophic Pathway’ With Current Climate Pledges"

"The global average temperature will rise 2.7 degrees Celsius by century’s end even if all countries meet their promised emissions cuts, a rise that is likely to worsen extreme wildfires, droughts and floods, the United Nations said in a report on Friday."

Source: NYTimes, 09/20/2021


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