Environmental Politics

Caught Fudging Science, Duke Power Attacks Reporters Privilege

Embroiled in a growing scandal about efforts to cover up the science on the threat posed by coal ash to North Carolinians' drinking water, Duke Energy is asking a court to hold a hearing to discover the source of a document leaked to the Associated Press.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"White House Says Feds Doing Their Part In Flood Response"

"President Barack Obama is making his first visit to flood-ravaged southern Louisiana as he attempts to assure the many thousands who have suffered damage to their homes, schools and businesses that his administration has made their recovery a priority."

Source: AP, 08/23/2016

"Watchdog Dings EPA On Ethanol Impacts"

"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has not properly analyzed the environmental effects of its ethanol mandate, a watchdog report found Thursday.

The 2005 law creating the renewable fuel standard requires the EPA to write reports on the environmental impacts of the requirement to blend ethanol and other biofuels with gasoline, and to determine whether measures are needed to blunt the effects.

But the EPA’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) found the agency’s compliance with those provisions lacking."

Source: The Hill, 08/19/2016


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