Water & Oceans

"Dead Zones Haunt Green Bay as Manure Fuels Algae Blooms"

"Nearly 400 years after French voyageur Jean Nicolet arrived with a bang on the banks of lower Green Bay — he fired two pistols skyward to announce the white man's arrival in the world's largest freshwater estuary — the same stretch of shoreline was the scene of another fateful landing."

Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 09/16/2014

"EPA OKs Aquifer Exemption for Linc's Coal Gasification Test Project"

"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved an aquifer exemption for a coal gasification pilot project in Campbell County [Wyoming] this week, drawing criticism from landowners worried that the facility could contaminate a potential source of drinking water."

Source: Casper Star-Tribune, 09/15/2014

Pesticides A Concern for Aquatic Life in Most U.S. Urban Streams: Study

"Some of the more than 500 million pounds (220 million kg) of pesticides used yearly in the United States are concentrated at levels that pose a concern for fish and water-dwelling insects, the U.S. Geological Survey report on pesticides from 1992 to 2011 said. The levels seldom topped human health standards."

Source: Reuters, 09/12/2014


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