Water & Oceans

"Behind Toledo’s Water Crisis, a Long-Troubled Lake Erie"

"TOLEDO, Ohio — It took a serendipitous slug of toxins and the loss of drinking water for a half-million residents to bring home what scientists and government officials in this part of the country have been saying for years: Lake Erie is in trouble, and getting worse by the year."

Source: NY Times, 08/05/2014

Safe? Not Even Congress Can Get Secret EPA Test Data on Toledo Water

"U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D., Toledo) has told The Blade she is demanding more transparency from environmental regulators after inadvertently learning during a conference call Sunday that Toledo's tap water has been as high as 3 parts per billion for the toxin found in microcystis algae - three times higher than the World Health Organization standard of 1 ppb."

Source: Toledo Blade, 08/05/2014


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