Alaska and Hawaii

"Administration Moves Closer To Opening Arctic Refuge For Oil"

"The Trump administration moved closer on Thursday to opening thousands of miles within Alaska’s pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas leasing, issuing a draft report that concluded the polar bears, caribou and other wildlife could safely share their untouched wilderness with oil and gas producers."

Source: AP, 12/21/2018

Environmental (In)Justice Coverage Grows, As More Media Take Note

Environmental justice-related stories are expected to get more attention in the news media in 2019. But that’s not because the challenge of protecting marginalized communities from lopsided environmental impacts is being met. This week’s TipSheet explains, in a look-ahead to environmental justice stories making the news, the many forms the problem takes, the many communities affected and the emerging notion of “climate justice.”

SEJ Publication Types: 

"In the Blink of an Eye, a Hunt for Oil Threatens Pristine Alaska"

"For decades, opposition to drilling has left the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge off limits. Now the Trump administration is hurriedly clearing the way for oil exploration."

"FAIRBANKS, Alaska — It is the last great stretch of nothingness in the United States, a vast landscape of mosses, sedges and shrubs that is home to migrating caribou and the winter dens of polar bears.

Source: NY Times, 12/04/2018

Bear Stories Should Go Beyond Bare Facts

Bears, particularly the plentiful black bears that are the source of much human-bear conflict, can serve as a opening to larger environmental stories, such as habitat destruction and the challenges of the “wildland-urban interface.” This week’s TipSheet has some of the good news/bad news on bears, with story ideas and resources for your reporting.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Proposed Drilling Plans At ANWR Vulnerable To Lawsuits: Gwich’In Lawyer

"That the Democrats control the House of Representatives may not be enough to protect the refuge "

"Even with the Democrats controlling the House of Representatives after the U.S. midterm elections, citizens of Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation are cautiously optimistic about what the future holds for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), knowing full well their fight to preserve and protect the threatened ecosystem is far from over.

Source: Yukon News, 11/15/2018


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