National (U.S.)

Between the Lines: ‘Epic Journey’ for Shorebird ... and Writer

In an award-winning book lauded for its eloquence and serious science, author Deborah Cramer tracks the tale of the first U.S. bird added to the Endangered Species List due to the threat of climate change. More in our 'Between the Lines' interview on the migratory red knot, its bond with the horseshoe crab, and on turning research into writing.

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Topics on the Beat: 

Watch List for Trump Federal Agency Appointments

Sarah Palin for Interior secretary? Her name is among those being mentioned for top environment and energy posts in the incoming Trump administration. To help you cover the shaping of the new cabinet, the latest TipSheet runs down better-known and lesser-known candidates being floated for EPA, Interior, Energy and Agriculture department chiefs. 

SEJ Publication Types: 

Trump Spun His Climate Denial To N.Y. Times; Lots Of Media Fell For It

"When I first saw New York Times reporters tweet the news that Donald Trump claimed in an interview to have an “open mind” about climate change and the Paris climate agreement, I thought, Who cares? He is packing his administration with fossil fuel promoters, so his latest comments just suggest that he’s camouflaging his climate denial with doublespeak and pandering."

Source: Grist, 11/28/2016

"Trump Faces Dilemma As U.S. Oil Reels From Record Biofuels Targets"

"The Obama administration signed its final plan for renewable fuel use in the United States last week, leaving an oil industry reeling from the most aggressive biofuel targets yet as President-elect Donald Trump takes over. ... The policy was designed to cut greenhouse gas emissions ....It has pitted two of Trump's support bases against each other: Big Oil and Big Corn."

Source: Reuters, 11/28/2016

"Perils of Climate Change Could Swamp Coastal Real Estate"

"MIAMI — Real estate agents looking to sell coastal properties usually focus on one thing: how close the home is to the water’s edge. But buyers are increasingly asking instead how far back it is from the waterline. How many feet above sea level? Is it fortified against storm surges? Does it have emergency power and sump pumps?"

Source: NY Times, 11/28/2016

"As Soda Taxes Gain Wider Acceptance, Your Bottle May Be Next"

"For more than a decade, Coca-Cola, Pepsi and other beverage companies have fought mightily against efforts to tax sugary sodas, defeating more than three dozen such proposals around the country. But this month, voters in San Francisco, Oakland and Albany, Calif., as well as Boulder, Colo., stunned the industry by approving ballot measures in favor of soda taxes."

Source: NY Times, 11/28/2016

"Trump Wants To Lift Restrictions On ‘Clean Coal.’ Whatever That Is."

"In a video released Monday, president-elect Donald Trump pledged that in his first 100 days in office he would abolish a host of regulations to stimulate domestic energy production. 'I will cancel job-killing restrictions on the production of American energy, including shale energy and clean coal, creating many millions of high-paying jobs,' he said."

Source: Wash Post, 11/23/2016


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