National (U.S.)

Exxon Blocks Public Roads; Bars Reporters from Spill Without "Escort"

"Even though the [Yellowstone River] oil spill is widespread, it's not always easy to get to. In Laurel, Montana, near where the spill happened, Exxon security guards block off a public road leading to cleanup operations. Media from around the world wait to be escorted into one area to film the spill. Hassett said the escort is to protect reporters from the floodwaters."

Source: CNN, 07/08/2011

Environmental Health Perspectives

EHP is a world-renowned, peer-reviewed research journal with a news section. It's published monthly by the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, with select translations for subscribers in China, Brazil, Mexico and Chile.


"Exhaust-ing Ride for Cyclists: Air Pollutants Trigger Heart Risk"

"In big cities around the world, cyclists breathe an array of pollutants from exhaust-spewing cars. A new study has now found a link between cycling on high traffic roads and heart risks. Even healthy cyclists had harmful changes in their heart rates. Experts say cyclists should stick to their two-wheels, however, pointing to simple solutions to reduce exposure."

Source: EHN, 07/07/2011


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