
"Chemical And Gas Suppliers Battle Over LNG Exports"

"The U.S. is in the midst of an energy transformation. Technologies that free fossil-fuel reserves, once trapped in shale, have radically shrunk natural gas imports. By 2020, the nation is expected to produce more gas than it needs. As the country approaches this milestone, it faces a question long asked in other countries with abundant energy resources: How much should we use at home and how much should we sell abroad?"

Source: Chemical & Engineering News, 03/12/2013

"Fracking Waste Could Go To N.C. Coastal Towns If Ban Is Lifted"

"Forty years ago, when North Carolina banned using deep wells to permanently dump industrial waste, some thought the issue had been decided for good. Now state lawmakers who want to turn North Carolina into the nation’s next fracking hotspot are reopening the case for injecting brines and toxins deep underground."

Source: Raleigh News & Observer, 03/05/2013


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