
"Produce Industry Presses USDA on Pesticide Report"

Eighteen non-organic produce industry groups have written the Agriculture Secretary in an an effort to muffle the impact of the upcoming USDA report on pesticide residues. The Environmental Working Group uses the annual data to highlight the "Dirty Dozen" fruits and vegetables.

Source: Wash Post, 05/16/2011

"Fraser River Sockeye Face Chemical Soup of 200 Contaminants"

"Sockeye salmon are exposed to a soup of chemicals in the Fraser River, and some of the ingredients are accumulating to potentially lethal levels in eggs, while others may be disrupting the sexual function of fish, according to a scientific review conducted for the Cohen Commission."

Source: Toronto Globe & Mail, 05/12/2011

"Federal Budget Deal Slashes Key Community Water Funds"

A 14-year-old federal loan program, the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, has helped managers of community water systems like Steven Meade in Atlanta, Idaho, provide safe and clean water for their customers via loans. No more. Republican-led budget cuts mean Meade's community can't make its water fit to drink.

Source: High Country News, 05/03/2011


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