Energy & Fuel

"Maine Fishing Interests Seek Total Ban On Offshore Wind Energy"

"More than 60 commercial fishermen and their supporters testified Tuesday in favor of a bill that would block any attempt to develop offshore wind projects anywhere along the Maine coast."

Source: Portland Press Herald, 05/06/2021

Chinese Greenhouse Emissions Now Larger Than All Developed Countries

"China now accounts for 27 percent of global emissions, while the U.S. accounts for 11 percent".

"China’s greenhouse gas emissions in 2019 surpassed those of the United States and the developed world combined, according to an analysis published Thursday by the research firm Rhodium Group.

China’s share of global emissions rose to 27 percent of the world’s total, while the United States remained the second-largest emitter at 11 percent. India’s share came third at 6.6 percent, edging the 27 nations in the European Union, which account for 6.4 percent, the report found.

Source: Washington Post, 05/06/2021

"Electricity: Report Offers Biden Framework For A Clean Energy Standard"

"Over a quarter-century, proposals for a clean energy standard (CES) have flared up and sputtered out, done in by political indifference or opposition to mandatory federal controls to shrink power plant carbon emissions. President Biden's climate team is searching now for the right design for a CES — an essential pathway toward his far-reaching clean energy goals — making the definition a high-stakes question."

Source: E&E News, 05/05/2021

"Biden Plan to Boost Public Transit Funding: Visionary or Wasteful?"

"If President Joe Biden gets his way, the federal government will double public transit funding in the coming years. He sees it as an essential part of his proposed $2 trillion infrastructure package: a way to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality and meet rider demand."

Source: Pew/Stateline, 05/04/2021

"Leaked Docs: Gas Industry Secretly Fights Electrification"

"In public, Eversource Energy likes to tout its carbon neutrality goals and its investments in offshore wind. But officials from New England's largest utility struck a different tone during an industry presentation in mid-March. Instead of advocating for lower emissions, company officials outlined a defensive strategy for preserving the use of natural gas for years to come."

Source: E&E News, 05/04/2021


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