Energy & Fuel

"3 Arrested Can Challenge Louisiana Pipeline Trespass Law"

"Protesters from New Orleans and Mississippi and a journalist from New York arrested during a protest against pipeline construction may continue their challenge of a Louisiana law carrying a possible five-year prison sentence for anyone convicted of trespassing in the area of a pipeline, a federal judge has ruled."

Source: AP, 05/10/2021

$63-Billion Plan Banks On Hydropower To Help Solve The Climate Crisis

"Conservationists in California and across the West are deeply skeptical of hydropower, and it’s not hard to see why. ... But despite the environmental damage they’ve done, many dams also generate electricity that is free of planet-warming carbon emissions."

Source: LA Times, 05/10/2021

California Pollution Regulators Place New Rules On Warehouse Industry

"Southern California air quality officials have adopted first-of-their-kind rules on warehouse distribution centers in an effort to cut truck pollution, increase electrification and reduce health risks in communities hit hardest by lung-damaging diesel exhaust."

Source: LA Times, 05/10/2021

Hacked Pipeline May Stay Shut for Days, Raising Concerns About Supply

"The operator of the largest petroleum pipeline between Texas and New York, which was shut down after a ransomware attack, declined on Sunday to say when it would reopen, raising concerns about a critical piece of infrastructure that carries nearly half of the East Coast’s fuel supplies."

Source: NYTimes, 05/10/2021

"Feud Breaks Out Among GOP Lawmakers Over Snake River Dams"

"Some Republican members of Congress from the Northwest are accusing a GOP Idaho lawmaker of conducting secret negotiations with the Democratic governor of Oregon over a controversial proposal to breach four dams on the Snake River to save endangered salmon runs."

Source: AP, 05/07/2021

After 3rd Leak, EPA Probes Whether St. Croix Refinery Poses ‘Imminent Risk'

"The Environmental Protection Agency said Thursday that it was weighing whether a controversial refinery on St. Croix posed “an imminent risk to people’s health” after a third accident in the span of three months sickened local residents and forced three schools to close."

Source: Washington Post, 05/07/2021


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