Environmental Health

"4 Former CDC Heads Say Trump's Undermining Of Agency Puts Lives At Risk"

"Four former directors of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention blasted the Trump administration's 'repeated efforts to subvert' agency guidelines related to reopening schools, accusing the White House in a scathing Washington Post op-ed of undermining science with 'partisan potshots.'"

Source: Axios, 07/15/2020

"Trump Administration Strips C.D.C. of Control of Coronavirus Data"

"The Trump administration has ordered hospitals to bypass the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and send all Covid-19 patient information to a central database in Washington beginning on Wednesday. The move has alarmed health experts who fear the data will be politicized or withheld from the public."

Source: NYTimes, 07/15/2020

“Flight Lines: Across the Globe on a Journey With the Astonishing Ultramarathon Birds”

Weighing in at little more than a couple of pats of butter, the remarkable grey plover undergoes an epic migration of thousands of miles. A new volume captures the wonder of this tiny shorebird, as well as worries over its rapidly declining numbers and possible extinction. Melody Kemp reviews “Flight Lines” in this month’s BookShelf.

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"GAO: Trump Boosts Deregulation by Undervaluing Cost of Climate Change"

"A federal report expected to be released Tuesday found the Trump administration set a rock-bottom price on the damages done by greenhouse gas emissions, enabling the government to justify the costs of repealing or weakening dozens of climate change regulations."

Source: NYTimes, 07/14/2020


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