Environmental Health

"Religious Right Bashes Green Evangelicals for Supporting EPA Rules"

"Religious-right leaders are slamming a green evangelical group for casting support for Environmental Protection Agency rules to cut power plant mercury emissions as a 'pro-life' position." (EPA says the new standards "will avert up to 11,000 premature deaths, 4,700 heart attacks and 130,000 asthma attacks every year.")

Source: E2 Wire, 02/10/2012

Link Seen Between Ubiquitous Cadmium & Kids With Learning Disabilities

"It's a heavy metal. It's linked to learning problems in school children. And every child is exposed. Sounds like lead? It's cadmium. Signs are emerging that cadmium – a widespread contaminant that gets little attention from health experts and regulators – could be the new lead. Children with higher cadmium levels are three times more likely to have learning disabilities and participate in special education, according to new research."

Source: EHN, 02/10/2012
May 30, 2012 to June 1, 2012

2nd Annual U.S. Slow Living Summit

A national convening of cross-sector intelligence, ideas and action for sustainable living in a post-carbon world.

April 28, 2025

DEADLINE: Fund for Investigative Journalism (FIJ) Grants

FIJ awards grants up to $10,000 for stories that break new ground and expose wrongdoing in the public and private sectors. Next deadline is Apr 28, 2025. Plus, seed grants (May 9), expedited grants for urgent stories, follow-up grants for timely stories after initial investigations and emergency grants for stories on threats to democracy in the U.S (rolling).


Medical Mystery Solved After Vaccine Hypothesis Discredited

The Cossoloottoo family in Centerville, Iowa, suspected vaccinations were the culprit when their 6-month-old daughter got seizures and what looked like autism. Their concerns were worsened by studies linking vaccinations to autism -- studies later discredited as fraud. It wasn't until some 10 years later that a specialist at the Mayo Clinic correctly diagnosed their daughter as having a genetic disorder, Dravet syndrome, that strikes one in 20-40,000 children born.

Source: Wash Post, 02/01/2012


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