"Gingrich's Presidential Bid Clouded by His Belief in Climate Change"
"Republicans running for the White House in 2012 are put on the defensive for expressing belief in global warming."
"Republicans running for the White House in 2012 are put on the defensive for expressing belief in global warming."
"Senate Democrats are calling top executives from the five biggest oil companies before a congressional hearing to flog them verbally for high gasoline prices, big profits and generous tax breaks that Democrats would like to end but don't have the votes to stop."
"Leaders of Arctic nations gather in Greenland this week to chart future cooperation as global warming sets off a race for oil, mineral, fishing and shipping opportunities in the world's fragile final frontier."
"Leading Senate Democrats have coalesced around a political strategy in their uphill battle to repeal billions of dollars in oil industry tax breaks: Make it all about the deficit."
"Peabody Energy, the world’s largest coal company, is not, repeat, NOT, giving kids free asthma inhalers decorated with pictures of Justin Beiber, My Little Pony or Miley Cyrus."
Leaders of several medical societies wrote Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) Tuesday informing him that he was wrong on the science when he denied EPA's estimate of the health damages caused by air pollution.
"Thursday night's Republican debate was worth watching if only to see Tim Pawlenty try to talk his way around his previous support for efforts to cut planet-warming emissions. As governor of Minnesota, Pawlenty not only acknowledged that climate change is a problem, but also endorsed a cap-and-trade plan to deal with it. That makes him something of a pariah among other Republicans these days."
As he delivered a eulogy last year for 29 men killed in the worst coal mine disaster in four decades, President Obama bowed his head and repeated a plea he had heard from mining families: 'Don't let this happen again.'
"Gov. Scott Walker and the Republican Legislature have moved quickly to weaken a string of environmental and energy programs as they contend with a budget deficit and make economic development their top priority."
"Corroded cooling water pipes at the Byron nuclear power plant in Illinois could have caused a nuclear catastrophe. The plant, owned by Exelon Corp., is just one example of regulators from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission failing to penalize safety failures."