
May 16, 2012

Sustainability and Certification Impacts

To air the evidence that sustainability certification is achieving its goals, the Rainforest Alliance presents this daylong workshop in New York where leading executives, producers and sustainability experts from around the world will gather to share and contextualize current data on diverse impacts of the sustainability certification movement. Journalists and bloggers are invited to attend and cover.


"Drama Amid Indonesia's Disappearing Mangroves"

"The rising tide laps at the feet of local children and fishermen and submerges all but the tops of the mangrove trees of Tiwoho village in Indonesia's North Sulawesi province. At one degree of latitude north of the equator, the climate here is about the same all year round: hot, wet and perfect for the forests of salt-tolerant trees that grow along sheltered coastlines.

Source: NPR, 05/01/2012

"U.S. Forest Service Spends $40.6 Million for Lands in 15 States"

"WASHINGTON, DC -- The U.S. Forest Service is investing $40.6 million to acquire 27 pieces of land in 15 states that the agency says will help safeguard clean water, provide recreational access, preserve wildlife habitat, enhance scenic vistas and protect historic and wilderness areas."

Source: ,

American Companies Trading in Illegal Hardwoods From Peru: Report

"More than 20 American companies have played roles in fostering a steady flow of illegal hardwoods from the Peruvian Amazon, part of a 'well-oiled machine that is ransacking Peru’s forests and undermining the livelihoods and rights of the people that depend on them,' according to a new report by the Environmental Investigation Agency, a watchdog group."

Source: LA Times, 04/12/2012


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