
Climate Change Toolkit: Latest Headlines, TipSheets, Backgrounders & More

To help better cover climate change news, including during the upcoming United Nations Climate Action Summit, Sept. 23, in New York, the SEJournal offers a range of resources. Get the latest climate change headlines and EJToday's curated climate coverage. Check out our range of climate-related Issue Backgrounders, TipSheets and Reporter's Toolboxes, plus our Climate Change Guide and more.

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Trump Pushed Staff To Contradict Accurate NOAA Tweet On Dorian Track

 "President Trump told his staff that the nation’s leading weather forecasting agency needed to correct a statement that contradicted a tweet the president had sent wrongly claiming that Hurricane Dorian threatened Alabama, senior administration officials said."

Source: Washington Post, 09/12/2019

"NOAA Chief, Defending Trump on Dorian, Also Tries to Buoy Scientists"

"Neil Jacobs, head of the federal scientific agency threatened with firings after one of its offices contradicted President Trump on Hurricane Dorian, defended the administration Tuesday even as he issued a carefully worded defense of agency scientists."

Source: NY Times, 09/11/2019


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