Water & Oceans

#SEJSpotlight: Anne N. Connor, Freelance Science Writer

#SEJSpotlight graphic for Anne N. Connor


Meet SEJ member Anne N. Connor! She is a Vermont-based science writer with a focus on climate resilience and environmental solutions. Her stories have been published in Undark, Vox, Knowable, Flyway and The Scientist. She holds a master’s degree in science writing from Johns Hopkins University.


Replacing the Nation’s Lead Lines Begins With Locating Them

One especially ambitious element of the Biden infrastructure plan would swap out millions of lead pipes. It’s a massive, costly endeavor, but could remove from the country’s water supply a neurotoxin that harms human health, especially of kids and the poor. TipSheet looks at the new plan and offers ideas for reporting the story in your area.

SEJ Publication Types: 

How a Lauded Reporter’s ‘Open Mind’ Led Story in a Surprising Direction

An investigation into lead poisoning treatment policies prompted some very unexpected conclusions for one long-time investigative journalist, whose deeply reported and surprising projects won plaudits from judges for the Society of Environmental Journalists’ annual awards. Find out how Charles Schmidt turned an aside from a source into a penetrating look at a critical public health and environmental challenge.

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