
"Despite Climate Goals, California Will Let Three Gas Plants Keep Running"

"Sometimes, breaking news is spectacularly unsurprising — but still hugely consequential. That was the case Tuesday, when California officials finalized a decision they’d been telegraphing for months, voting to extend the life of three gas-fired power plants along the state’s southern coast through 2026, instead of closing them later this year.

Source: LA Times, 08/16/2023

"EPA Launches Civil Rights Probe Over Calif. Water Fight"

"EPA is probing California’s water department over accusations of discrimination against Native tribes and people of color, launching a significant environmental justice investigation that could affect how the state oversees water."

Source: E&E News, 08/14/2023
September 18, 2023 to September 20, 2023

Good Food Conference: Path to 2030

As the Good Food Institute’s flagship gathering, this year’s conference will provide the opportunity for journalists covering everything from climate change to food security to biodiversity loss to learn how alternative proteins can play a key role in addressing global food challenges.


Battle Rages Over Trump ‘Sweetheart Deal’ With Giant Water District

"Critics call it a “sweetheart deal” between the Trump administration and the Central Valley’s largest agricultural water district, and they claim it unfairly lines the pockets of major farm owners while imperiling California salmon and other fish species."

Source: LA Times, 08/11/2023

Big Waves Becoming More Common Off California As Earth Warms: New Research

"Waves are getting bigger and surf at least 13 feet (about 4 meters) tall is becoming more common off California’s coast as the planet warms, according to innovative new research that tracked the increasing height from historical data gathered over the past 90 years."

Source: AP, 08/04/2023

California’s Joshua Trees Are Burning Up, May Be Impossible To Replace

"A light rain fell on the Mojave National Preserve, where firefighters continued their nearly weeklong battle Wednesday against an unusual desert wildfire that has incinerated countless Joshua trees and threatens to forever alter California’s high desert landscape."

Source: LA Times, 08/03/2023


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