
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

A Rare Conviction For The Slaying Of A Latin American Environmentalist

"Four men have been found guilty in Costa Rica for the killing of a sea turtle conservationist in 2013. The chief of a three-judge panel said the slaying of Jairo Mora Sandoval, who worked for a green group called Widecast, was tied to his activism in a war 'between poachers and environmentalists on the beach.'"

Source: Wash Post, 04/06/2016

‘Fractivists’ Increase Pressure on Clinton and Sanders in New York

"A nasty row that erupted between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders over oil and gas industry donors last week is catapulting the issue of climate change into the race for the Democratic presidential nomination as it moves to New York, where an army of activists upstate is driven by opposition to drilling."

Source: NY Times, 04/05/2016

"Climate Activists Disrupt Gulf Oil and Gas Auction in New Orleans"

"More than 300 climate activists swarmed the Louisiana Superdome Wednesday morning to protest a federal auction of oil and gas drilling leases in the Gulf of Mexico. The action was part of the larger "Keep It in the Ground" movement aimed at stopping new fossil fuel production on publicly owned lands and waterways."

Source: InsideClimate News, 03/24/2016

"Honduras: Environmentalist Berta Caceres Shot Dead"

"Honduran environmentalist leader and winner of the 2015 Goldman Environmental Prize Berta Caceres has been shot dead at her home in the town of La Esperanza. Caceres was killed early on Thursday by two assailants who broke into her home, a member of her group, the Indian Council of People's Organizations of Honduras, said."

Source: Aljazeera, 03/04/2016


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