
"1 in 4 Parents Buys Unproven Vaccine-Autism Link"

"One in four U.S. parents believes some vaccines cause autism in healthy children, but even many of those worried about vaccine risks think their children should be vaccinated. Most parents continue to follow the advice of their children's doctors, according to a study based on a survey of 1,552 parents. Extensive research has found no connection between autism and vaccines."

Source: AP, 03/01/2010

Enviros Seek Disclosure of Household Cleaning Product Ingredients

A court case involving a 1971 NY law may force manufacturers to make public unlisted toxic chemicals in products like stain remover, dish soap and laundry detergent. The cleanser industry says the action is "unwarranted, and that fears about health risks are misinformed," according to the AP.

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Radon Action Month a Chance To Save Lives

Every year, an estimated 20,000 Americans die of lung cancer caused by exposure to radon — a naturally occurring radioactive gas that often finds its way into indoor air. So now's a good time to look at the ways radon impacts your audience and how people can protect themselves.

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Topics on the Beat: 

20% of Chemicals in Commerce Claim To Be 'Trade Secrets'

Washington Post reporter Lyndsey Layton writes about the thousands of chemicals exempted from EPA screening for potential harm to the environment and public health — and the three-decades-old Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) that renders it possible, in the interest of protecting manufacturers' bottom lines.

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Journal Publishes Series on Health Effects of Climate Change

A consortium of US and British agencies, universities, and organizations published a series of studies in The Lancet that analyzed a number of specific situations involving climate change and health impacts, in countries rich and poor. Concurrently, a group of doctors from around the world launched the International Climate and Health Council.

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Industrial Chemical Found in Many Waters and Lands

The synthetic compound dinitrotoluene, contaminating military sites, industrial settings, and other areas, is used primarily to make polyurethane products found in goods such as bedding and furniture, as well as in explosives, ammunition, dyes, and air bags.

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Watchdog Groups Call for Improvements in Contractor Misconduct Database

The Project on Government Oversight (POGO) and OMB Watch want the federal government to tighten the accountability of federal contractors by fixing problems with the database — a potentially valuable tool for environmental reporters.

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