"A River Runs Again: India’s Natural World in Crisis, from the Barren Cliffs of Rajasthan to the Farmlands of Karnataka""
Representatives of a coalition of 53 journalism groups met December 15, 2015, with White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest. The groups, including SEJ and Society of Professional Journalists, have complained about agency press offices obstructing reporters' access to officials and information.
Freelancer Susan Moran writes about how to write a refined, convincing, colorful query letter and follow the particular pitch path that plays to your passion, talent and financial needs.
The Society of Professional Journalists issued the following press release on December 15, 2015, after a meeting with White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest. It is available on their site here.
Representatives for 53 journalism groups met December 15, 2015, with White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest. The groups have complained about agency press offices obstructing reporters' access. Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) President Paul Fletcher said they "asked for a clear statement that government employees are free to speak without interference to members of the press and public." SEJ Freedom of Information Task Force Chairman Tim Wheeler attended. SPJ issued this press release.
Society of Environmental Journalists’ founder Jim Detjen and I were sitting together at an SEJ gathering not long ago wondering about the size of the collective readership/viewer/listenership of all of SEJ’s members. In essence, what is our potential reach? We calculated that it must be in the tens of millions. That’s power to help set the national dialogue and, in many cases, the global dialogue. Read more from SEJ President Jeff Burnside.