Laws & Regulations

Bloated Costs Take Over Georgia Nuclear Plant; Fight Looms Over Who Pays

"Vogtle’s two new nuclear reactors are six years late and at least $16 billion over their original budget. The plant will have no direct carbon footprint, but critics say there are much cheaper ways to reduce emissions."

Source: Inside Climate News, 01/24/2022

The Year Ahead Will Spark Abundant Environment News — Both Good and Bad

Even as the climate crisis countdown story continues, a wide range of environment and energy issues are on journalists’ watchlist for the year ahead, per an analysis from our “2022 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment.” The overview looks at 13 key trends to track in 2022 and beyond — including infrastructure, pandemics, environmental justice, energy, chemicals, plastics and, of course, climate.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"‘Build Back Better’ Hit a Wall, but Climate Action Could Move Forward"

"A growing number of Democrats in Congress want to move ahead with the climate portion of President Biden’s stalled spending bill, saying the urgency of a warming planet demands action and they believe they can muster enough votes to muscle it past Republican opposition."

Source: NYTimes, 01/21/2022

Exxon Using An Unusual Law To Intimidate Critics Over Its Climate Denial

"ExxonMobil is attempting to use an unusual Texas law to target and intimidate its critics, claiming that lawsuits against the company over its long history of downplaying and denying the climate crisis violate the US constitution’s guarantees of free speech."

Source: Guardian, 01/20/2022

"National Monument Proposed For Nevada Site Sacred To Tribes"

"A Nevada congresswoman and several elected and tribal officials announced support Friday for national monument designation over a broad area south of Las Vegas they say is biologically diverse and rich with Native American cultural significance."

Source: AP, 01/20/2022


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