Religion, Faith and Spirituality

Making Sense of Jewish Perspectives on the Climate Story

American Jews are heavily involved in climate action in both the political and civic realms. But current events in Israel and Gaza can make it hard for U.S. journalists to cover environmental stories important to Jews at home or abroad. Jewish freelancer Ethan Brown on differences and synergies between Israeli and American Jewish environmentalism and how to approach stories within each community.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Apache Group Carrying Petition to Supreme Court to Stop Mine on Sacred Land

"The prayer journey will pass through other tribal communities threatened by resource extraction while trying to stop a mine that claims it could satisfy a quarter of the U.S. demand for copper."

Source: Inside Climate News, 08/23/2024

Report Calls For US Government To Own Up To Abusive Boarding School History

"The U.S. Department of the Interior released its final investigative report Tuesday on the ugly history of federal Indian boarding schools, calling for a formal apology from the U.S. government and ongoing support to help Native people recover from the generational trauma that endures."

Source: ICT, 07/31/2024

Hundreds Died Amid Heat During This Year’s Hajj In Saudi Arabia: Officials

"Hundreds of people died during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia as the faithful faced intense high temperatures at Islamic holy sites in the desert kingdom, officials said Wednesday as people tried to claim their loved ones’ bodies."

Source: AP, 06/20/2024

Makah Tribe Wins U.S. Waiver To Resume Hunting Pacific Gray Whales

"After a decades-long struggle, a Native American tribe won the right to resume its hunting traditions off Washington state's coast when federal regulators granted a waiver on Thursday allowing the Makah people to hunt up to 25 gray whales over a decade."

Source: Reuters, 06/14/2024

‘Exvangelicals’ Memoir Explores Faith-Science Gap

With her new memoir, “The Exvangelicals,” NPR correspondent Sarah McCammon, a one-time, award-winning environmental reporter, may not have written a book directly about environmental issues. Instead, writes BookShelf editor Tom Henry, her highly personal story about religion, science and betrayal offers an important, if indirect, message to those on the environment beat seeking to understand the faith community. Read his review.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Newsom Calls Trump Bid For $1 Billion From Oil Industry ‘Open Corruption’

"California Governor Gavin Newsom called former President Donald Trump's request for $1 billion from the oil industry to support his reelection campaign "open corruption." Newsom, a Democrat, made the accusation in a speech Thursday at the Vatican Climate Summit, where he addressed other governors, mayors and civic and faith leaders from around the world."

Source: Courthouse News, 05/17/2024


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