"The US No Longer Supports Capping Plastic Production In UN Treaty"
"The Biden administration has backtracked from supporting a cap on plastic production as part of the United Nations’ global plastics treaty."
"The Biden administration has backtracked from supporting a cap on plastic production as part of the United Nations’ global plastics treaty."
"Banks with net zero pledges helped raise $1 trillion for companies expanding fossil fuels. Among them is NatWest, which may have broken climate pledge by funding BP."
"The battle to keep global warming within 1.5 degrees Celsius has been a rallying cry for climate action for nearly a decade. Now, with the planet almost certain to blow past the target, diplomats and campaigners at the COP29 summit have found themselves awkwardly clinging to a goal that no longer makes sense."
"If speeches and slogans could save the climate, COP29 would already be a success. But there are few signs the current round of climate talks will deliver on the only thing proven to slow global warming: rapid greenhouse gas cuts."
"At its annual conference on climate change this week, the United Nations released a major report saying the world has little hope of reaching global climate targets without quickly lowering emissions of nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas that’s nearly 300 times more powerful at warming the atmosphere than carbon dioxide."
"Pay now to help poorer countries cope with climate change or pay more later, negotiators were warned on Thursday as experts said poor states need at least $1 trillion per year by the end of the decade to move to greener energy and protect against extreme weather."
"In total 1,261 business and industry delegates registered for Cop16 in Cali, Colombia, which ended in disarray and without significant progress on a number of key issues including nature funding, monitoring biodiversity loss and work on reducing environmentally harmful business subsidies."
"A Dutch appeals court on Tuesday overturned a landmark ruling that ordered energy company Shell to cut its carbon emissions by net 45% by 2030 compared to 2019 levels, while saying that "protection against dangerous climate change is a human right."
"Violent weather cost the world $2 trillion over the past decade, a report has found, as diplomats descend on the Cop29 climate summit for a tense fight over finance."