National (U.S.)

Widespread Sea-Floor Methane Leaks off East Coast Surprise Scientists

"Of all the global warming gasses, methane is one of the very worst. Pound for pound, the Environmental Protection Agency says its effect on global warming is 20 times greater than that of carbon dioxide. And though its lifetime in the atmosphere is substantially shorter than carbon dioxide, it’s “more efficient at trapping radiation.”

Source: Wash Post, 08/26/2014

"Climate Change Policies Pay for Themselves, Study Says"

"An MIT climate change study released Sunday indicates the cost of slashing coal-fired carbon emissions would be offset by reduced spending on public health. The EPA-funded study examined climate change policies similar to those proposed by the Obama administration in June."

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 08/26/2014

"Grain Piles Up, Waiting for a Ride, as Trains Move North Dakota Oil"

"FARGO, N.D. — The furious pace of energy exploration in North Dakota is creating a crisis for farmers whose grain shipments have been held up by a vast new movement of oil by rail, leading to millions of dollars in agricultural losses and slower production for breakfast cereal giants like General Mills."

Source: , 08/26/2014

Part 2 of Contamination Study Show Deadly Levels in St. Louis Robins

"Michigan State University environmental toxicology professor Matt Zwiernik presented part two of the results from the 2013 dead bird collection in St. Louis to the Pine River Superfund Taskforce Wednesday. Zwiernik’s team monitored 60 active nests not only in the nine-block residential area surrounding the former Velsicol plant site but also 15 kilometers downstream. As was the case with the first batch of results, American robins eggs collected contained DDx levels far above those found to induce death in laboratory settings."

Source: Mt. Pleasant Morning Sun, 08/22/2014


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