
Oil Spill And Fertilizer Leak From Sunken Cargo Ship Threaten Red Sea

"A vibrant fishing industry, some of the world’s largest coral reefs, desalination plants supplying millions with drinking water. They’re all at risk from large amounts of fertilizer and oil spilled into the Red Sea by the sinking of a cargo ship attacked by Yemen’s Houthi rebels."

Source: AP, 03/04/2024

Cities Warn of Funding Struggle as EPA Preps PFAS Drinking Water Rule

"Cash-strapped city water systems are struggling to envision how they’ll pay to filter “forever chemicals” out of drinking water in light of an EPA rule that could be finalized as soon as March."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 02/28/2024

Ohio Awards Bids To Frack Oil And Gas Under State Parks, Wildlife Areas

"An Ohio commission awarded bids to frack oil and gas under state parks Monday, despite statewide backlash and an ongoing investigation into possibly fraudulent support."

Source: AP, 02/27/2024

Tractor Protests Threaten To Drive EU’s Green Farming Policies Into Ditch

"It was the puddles of green sludge left by the tires of massive tractors in western Belgium’s industrial farmlands that drew the attention of biological engineer Ineke Maes. The slime was destructive algae, the result of the excess of chemicals used by farmers to boost their crops, but at a high cost to nature."

Source: AP, 02/27/2024


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