
ER Visits For Heart Problems Plummeted After Coal Processor Shut Down

"The closure of one of Pittsburgh’s largest coal-processing plants in 2016 led to a lasting reduction in hazardous air pollution and a decrease in heart-related hospital visits, according to a new study."

Source: EHN, 08/07/2023

EPA Approved a Chevron Fuel Ingredient Despite Huge Cancer Risk

"An EPA document shows that a new Chevron fuel ingredient has a lifetime cancer risk more than 1 million times higher than what the agency usually finds acceptable — even greater than another Chevron fuel’s sky-high risk disclosed earlier this year."

Source: ProPublica, 08/07/2023

Chemical Companies’ PFAS Payouts Are Huge – But The Problem Is Even Bigger

"When the chemical giant 3M agreed in early June to pay up to $12.5bn to settle a lawsuit over PFAS contamination in water systems across the nation, it was hailed by attorneys as “the largest drinking water settlement in American history”, and viewed as a significant win for the public in the battle against toxic “forever chemicals”.

Source: Guardian, 08/04/2023

6 Months After E. Palestine Derailment, Congress Is Deadlocked On Safety

"Congress responded to the fiery train derailment in eastern Ohio earlier this year with bipartisan alarm, holding a flurry of hearings about the potential for railroad crashes to trigger even larger disasters. Both parties agreed that a legislative response was needed. Yet six months after life was upended in East Palestine, little has changed."

Source: AP, 08/03/2023

"EPA Again Blocks Colorado Air Pollution Permit For Suncor"

"The EPA’s Denver regional office is once again blocking a renewed state air pollution permit for the Suncor refinery in Commerce City, agreeing to objections from environmental groups that Colorado should crack down harder on carbon monoxide dangers and past plant modifications."

Source: Colorado Sun, 08/02/2023

"Indonesia Cracks Down on the Scourge of Imported Plastic Waste"

"When China banned plastic waste imports in 2018, exporters in wealthy countries targeted other developing nations. Faced with an unending stream of unrecyclable waste, Indonesia has tightened its regulations and has begun to make progress in stemming the plastics flow."

Source: YaleE360, 08/02/2023

22 Attorneys General Oppose 3M Settlement Over PFAS In Water Systems

"Twenty-two attorneys general urged a federal court Wednesday to reject a proposed $10.3 billion settlement over contamination of U.S. public drinking water systems with potentially dangerous chemicals, saying it lets manufacturer 3M Co. off too easily."

Source: AP, 07/27/2023

"The World’s Moving Closer To Deep-Sea Mining. There Are No Rules."

"With a Canadian company preparing a bid to mine the Pacific Ocean for minerals needed for electric vehicle batteries, an international oversight agency is meeting in Jamaica this month to come up with permitting rules."

Source: E&E News, 07/24/2023

Researchers Find Evidence Of ‘Forever Chemicals’ In Blood Of Pregnant Women

"California researchers have found new evidence that several chemicals used in plastic production and a wide array of other industrial applications are commonly present in the blood of pregnant women, creating increased health risks for mothers and their babies."

Source: Guardian, 07/21/2023


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