Environmental Politics

Dakota Access Pipeline Company, Donald Trump Have Close Financial Ties

"Donald Trump’s close financial ties to Energy Transfer Partners, operators of the controversial Dakota Access oil pipeline, have been laid bare, with the presidential candidate invested in the company and receiving more than $100,000 in campaign contributions from its chief executive."

Source: Guardian, 10/27/2016

NY Supreme Court Orders ExxonMobil To Produce Climate Documents

"In a loss for ExxonMobil, the New York State Supreme Court has ordered the oil giant and its accounting firm to produce documents subpoenaed in a highly charged investigation of whether the company concealed from investors and the public what it knew about climate change as long as four decades ago."

Source: Wash Post, 10/27/2016

Sioux Tribe Chairman Meets with Obama to Discuss Dakota Access Pipeline

"Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe’s Chairman Harold Frazier will meet with President Obama [Tuesday] at a private round table event held in Los Angeles. He will ask the president  to protect the rights of the Lakota people, their sacred sites, and waters of the Missouri River."

Source: Native News Online, 10/26/2016


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