Fish & Fisheries

BP's $340 Million To Restore 4 Barrier Islands, Build 2 Fisheries Labs

"Louisiana will receive $340 million from BP in early Natural Resource Damage Assessment money for four projects to restore barrier islands and to finance two coastal science centers, Gov. Bobby Jindal announced Tuesday in a news conference in Jean Lafitte. The money comes from $1 billion that BP set aside in 2011 to build early projects to compensate for damages to natural resources resulting from the three-month flow of oil resulting from the blowout of BP's Macondo well in April 2010."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 05/01/2013
May 2, 2013

Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities in Global Shark Conservation

Experts will discuss the implications of the March 2013 CITES decision, the current status of domestic and international shark protection efforts, and potential approaches to ensuring a long-term future for sharks. Hosted by the Environmental Law Institute, the event is free and open to the public to attend in person or by teleconference. RSVP by Apr 30.


"Warm Ocean Waters Worry Maine Lobstermen, Industry"

"PORTLAND, Maine -- Ocean temperatures have been higher than normal in the Gulf of Maine, creating worries among lobstermen that there could be a repeat of last spring's early harvest that resulted in a market glut, a crash in the prices fishermen get and a blockade of Maine-caught lobsters in Canada."

Source: AP, 04/15/2013


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