
May 12, 2015

Superfund's Emerging Issues

The Environmental Law Institute invites you to Washington, DC (or via teleconference) for an expert panel discussion focusing on the evolution and current state of joint and several liability and issues raised by “mega-site” remediation projects. Free registration required.
Topics on the Beat: 

CA Cement Quarry To Pay $7.5M To Settle Water Pollution Violations

"CUPERTINO -- The Lehigh Hanson cement plant, a longtime producer of Silicon Valley building materials but also a significant polluter, will pay $7.5 million as part of an agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to settle charges it dumped millions of gallons of toxic wastewater into a nearby creek."

Source: San Jose Mercury News, 04/29/2015

"Duke Energy To Hand Out Bottled Water in NC After Wells Polluted

"Duke Energy, the largest electric utility in the US, has agreed to provide dozens of families in North Carolina with bottled water after state testing found private wells near sites where the company stores coal waste contaminated with potentially toxic chemicals."

Source: Guardian, 04/29/2015

Fifth Anniversary of BP Deepwater Horizon Disaster

April 20 was the fifth anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon offshore well blowout that led to one of the biggest environmental disasters in U.S. history. The Gulf of Mexico, its fish and wildlife, and the people whose jobs and lives depend on it are still recovering. Media coverage abounds — some of it focusing on whether the industry or the government learned anything from the disaster and how likely it is to happen again in the Gulf, in the Arctic, or elsewhere. SEJ has rounded up some of the coverage in its daily news digest, EJToday Headlines. We also published two useful explainers on the money issues and the science issues.

Topics on the Beat: 


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