Water & Oceans

Water Utilities in U.S. Cities Use Tests That Downplay Contamination

"Water utilities in some of the largest cities in the US that collectively serve some 12 million people have used tests that downplay the amount of lead contamination found in drinking water for more than a decade, a Guardian analysis of testing protocols reveals."

Source: Guardian, 03/07/2016

"AP Poll: Americans Divided On Safety Of US Drinking Water"

"When it comes to water, only about half of Americans are very confident in the safety of what's flowing from their tap, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll, which found that trust is even weaker among minorities and people with lower incomes."

Source: AP, 03/07/2016

"In An Unusual Move, The EPA Tries To Pull A Pesticide From Market"

"Chances are, you've never heard of flubendiamide. It's not among the most toxic insecticides, and it's not among the widely used chemicals, either. In recent years, it has been used on about a quarter of the nation's tobacco and 14 percent of almonds, peppers and watermelons. But flubendiamide is now at the center of a public dispute between the Environmental Protection Agency and the company that sells it, Bayer CropScience."

Source: NPR, 03/02/2016

"Supreme Court Refuses To Hear Bay Cleanup Challenge"

"The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday ended a five-year legal challenge to the Chesapeake Bay cleanup plan, rejecting without comment the American Farm Bureau Federation’s request that the court hear its argument that the federal government is effectively seizing land use authority from state and local governments. The decision removes any legal cloud from the pursuit of the Bay pollution reduction strategy imposed by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Source: Bay Journal, 03/01/2016

"Louisiana Tribe Officially Becomes America's First Climate Refugees"

"French-speaking Indians who live deep in Louisiana bayou, some 50 miles south of New Orleans, became the United States' first official climate refugees last week when the federal government awarded them $48 million to relocate."

Source: Weather Channel, 02/29/2016


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