
Trump BLM Would Open Vast Acreage For Oil Leasing In Alaska Reserve

"A federal agency on Thursday released a final management plan for the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, proposing to make 7 million additional acres of land on the North Slope open to potential oil and gas development."

Source: Anchorage Daily News, 06/26/2020

"The World Still Sucks, but at Least Bear Cam Is Back"

"At Earther, we stan the bears. Bears are good, especially when they are fat. They are the hero we all need. That’s why I’m excited to announce that Alaska’s Katmai National Park has set up its live bear cams for the summer. You know what that means: bears, bears, and more bears."

Source: Earther, 06/24/2020

Lake Erie Wind Project Faces Big Bird Problems

"The nation's first wind energy project on fresh water has big ambitions. It also has big bird problems. Known as Icebreaker Wind, it aspires to position as many as several hundred turbines on Lake Erie, where strong winds, shallow depths and the proximity of power stations would seem to be a winning trifecta."

Source: Washington Post, 06/22/2020


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