National (U.S.)

2018 Elections Could Be Game-Changer for Environment, Energy

The 2018 elections may prove highly consequential for environment and energy policy, possibly slowing or even reversing the Trump-GOP deregulatory agenda. The latest Issue Backgrounder helps reporters frame the choices voters face, including environmental justice and offshore drilling.

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Court Cases with Trump Agencies Will Make News in 2018

The battle over environment and energy issues may ultimately come down to U.S. courts, where, unlike Congress and White House, the GOP doesn't hold sway ... yet. This week's TipSheet looks at a dozen major legal issues making news in 2018, like wetlands protection, and offers story ideas and resources to cover them.

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"The Nation’s Rivers And Streams Are Getting Dangerously Saltier"

"Nearly everywhere you turn during this frigid stretch of winter, much of the world seems covered in a layer of salt aimed at keeping our roads drivable and sidewalks free of ice. All that salt is one reason — although not the only one — that many of the nation’s rivers and streams are becoming saltier, according to new research published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences."

Source: Washington Post, 01/09/2018

FERC Rejects Perry's Proposal for Nuclear and Coal Subsidies

"Federal regulators on Monday rejected a proposal by Energy Secretary Rick Perry to subsidize struggling coal and nuclear plants, in a major blow to the Trump administration’s efforts to revive America’s declining coal industry."

Source: NY Times, 01/09/2018

The 2018 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment

SEJournal looks ahead to key issues in the coming year with this "2018 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment" special report. Stay tuned as we continue to add elements to the report up through and beyond its formal launch Jan. 26 at an annual roundtable, organized by the Society of Environmental Journalists with George Mason University and the Wilson Center in Washington, D.C.

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"Superfund Work Touted By Trump EPA Was Completed Years Ago"

"The Environmental Protection Agency is touting cleanups at seven of the nation’s most polluted places as a signature accomplishment in the Trump administration’s effort to reduce the number of Superfund sites, even though records show the physical work was completed before President Donald Trump took office."

Source: AP, 01/08/2018


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