Energy & Fuel

"Defying Trump, 4 Automakers Lock In a Deal on Greenhouse Gas Pollution"

"California on Monday finalized a legal settlement with four of the world’s largest automakers that binds them to comply with its stringent state-level fuel efficiency standards that would cut down on climate-warming tailpipe emissions."

Source: NYTimes, 08/18/2020

Trump Finalizes Drilling Plan For Iconic Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

"The Trump administration finalized plans Monday to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling, a move that will auction off oil and gas rights in the heart of one of the nation’s most iconic wild places. Achieving a goal Republicans have sought for 40 years, it marks a capstone for an administration that has ignored calls to reduce fossil fuel consumption in the face of climate change."

Source: Washington Post, 08/18/2020


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