Environmental Studies

"Senate GOP Leadership Whipping Against Manchin Permitting Bill"

"Senate Republican leaders are urging their GOP colleagues to stay unified against a permitting reform bill sponsored by West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin (D) and to support instead a competing bill sponsored by his home-state colleague, Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.)."

Source: The Hill, 09/27/2022

"Louisiana Takes Big Step Toward Unprecedented Land-Building Project"

"Louisiana’s proposed $2 billion project to divert water and sediment from the Mississippi River into Barataria Basin as part of an unprecedented plan to fight coastal land loss moved a major step forward on Monday with the release by the Army Corps of Engineers of a final environmental impact statement."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 09/21/2022

Methane, a Key Global Warming Source, Is Targeted by Nations

Carbon dioxide may get more attention, but the second-most damaging greenhouse gas, methane, is now the focus of a global pledge to cut emissions 30% by 2030. ​​As part of a Society of Environmental Journalists publishing project focused on covering climate solutions, we take a closer look at methane with energy reporter Nushin Huq. A primer on the climate-related problems of methane and the promise of methane-based solutions. Plus, watch a recent SEJ methane solutions webinar and see our Methane and Climate Change Toolbox.

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"New Atlas of Bird Migration Shows Extraordinary Journeys"

"A bay-breasted warbler weighs about the same as four pennies, but twice a year makes an extraordinary journey. The tiny songbird flies nearly 4,000 miles (6,437 kilometers) between Canada’s spruce forests and its wintering grounds in northern South America."

Source: AP, 09/16/2022

Methane and Climate Change Toolbox

Levels of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, have doubled in the past 150 years due to human activity, particularly from fossil fuels and extensive farming. As part of an ongoing Society of Environmental Journalists special project focused on covering climate solutions, check out a methane resource toolbox and stay tuned for a methane reporting tipsheet in the coming weeks. Plus, watch the recording of an SEJ virtual webinar, Covering Climate Solutions: Containing and Monitoring Methane.

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