
"States Target Toxic Chemicals as Washington Fails To Act"

"In Vermont, the Senate has just passed a bill potentially empowering the Green Mountain State to ban chemicals it deems harmful to consumers. Some 3,000 miles away, in Washington State, environmental reformers weren’t as successful: A bill to ban six toxic flame retardants died in the Senate, beaten back by industry opposition and politicians’ cries of state overreaching."

Source: Center for Public Integrity, 04/02/2014

"Russia Tightens Pressure on Ukraine With Rise in Natural Gas Price"

"MOSCOW — Even as American and Russian diplomats groped toward a settlement that would halt further Russian military intervention in Ukraine, Gazprom, the Russian energy company, stepped up the economic pressure on Tuesday by sharply raising the price it charges for natural gas."

Source: NY Times, 04/02/2014


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