Economy & Business

"Monsanto, Angling For Global Pesticide Dominance, Woos Syngenta"

"Selling seeds and pesticides used to be a sleepy, slow-moving business. That was, until about 20 years ago, when the chemical company Monsanto introduced genetically modified crops and started buying up seed companies. Ever since, companies in this industry have been maneuvering like hungry fish in a pond, occasionally dining on pieces of each other, hoping to survive through size and speed."

Source: NPR, 06/12/2015

"Nearly 60 Percent of Kentucky’s Coal Plants May Be Gone by 2040"

"In 25 years, Kentucky’s energy landscape will look dramatically different than it does now. As Energy and Environment Secretary Len Peters told a legislative committee last week, Kentucky is already facing the loss of the majority of its coal fleet over the next 25 years, and that’s without the EPA’s upcoming greenhouse gas regulations."

Source: WFPL, 06/09/2015


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