"By the middle of next year, the nine campuses that make up the nation's largest community college system plan to be completely energy self-sufficient. It's a huge step, and it will begin saving money immediately."
"The European Commission and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency agreed today to implement new higher energy-efficiency specifications for computers, copiers and printers under the EU-US Energy Star Programme."
"A Senate energy bill was voted out of committee yesterday, but not before losing the support of two Democrats and a dozen leading environmental organizations."
US EPA and Army Corps of Engineers say they "cannot make the list of 'high hazard' coal ash impoundment sites public," even though risk to communities exists -- like the December 2008 pond failure at the Kingston Fossil Plant in Tennessee.
"If you’re thinking about buying a cleaner, more fuel-efficient car, you might think a hybrid is your best option. But some automakers want people to look at an older technology when they’re looking for green cars: the diesel engine."
"The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee today approved the repeal of mandatory royalty waivers, also called 'royalty relief,' required under a 2005 energy law for certain offshore oil and gas production."
"The leases, auctioned near the end of the Bush administration, were blocked by Obama's Interior Department. Now a report opens the door to 30 of them being reissued."