Environmental Politics

"Oil And Gas: BLM Halts Leases After Sage Grouse, Climate Legal Brawls"

"Federal officials have withdrawn thousands of acres of land slated for sale to the oil and gas industry after courts demanded that the government take a closer look at greater sage grouse habitat protections and climate change impacts."

Source: EnergyWire, 11/15/2019

Sanders’s Climate Ambitions Thrill Supporters, but Experts Have Doubts

"Senator Bernie Sanders’s $16 trillion vision for arresting global warming would put the government in charge of the power sector and promise that, by 2030, the country’s electricity and transportation systems would run entirely on wind, solar, hydropower or geothermal energy, with the fossil fuel industry footing much of the bill much as Mexico was to pay for the border wall."

Source: NY Times, 11/15/2019

Baltimore City Council Pushes For Action On Sewage Backups

"Craig Bettenhausen is terrified every time it rains. After a storm, the junior warden knows what might await him at North Baltimore’s Church of the Guardian Angel: a putrid stench and gray-brown bubbling waste coating the basement floors."

Source: Baltimore Sun, 11/14/2019

"EPA May Let Oil Waste In Waterways. Is The Public At Risk?"

"Within a year, Oklahoma could get approval from EPA to start issuing permits that will allow the oil industry to dispose of briny oil field waste in waterways, alarming environmentalists and making it the first of three Southwestern states to step into a thorny regulatory landscape closely watched by the industry."

Source: EnergyWire, 11/14/2019

"FBI Eyes How Pennsylvania Approved Pipeline"

"The FBI has begun a corruption investigation into how Gov. Tom Wolf’s administration came to issue permits for construction on a multibillion-dollar pipeline project to carry highly volatile natural gas liquids across Pennsylvania, The Associated Press has learned."

Source: AP, 11/14/2019

"EPA Defends ‘Secret Science’ Rule to House Democrats"

"An EPA official defended the agency’s proposed “secret science” rule, but declined to answer questions about the basis for the rule, which has drawn criticism from environmental groups and other agency watchers."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 11/14/2019
September 16, 2020 to September 30, 2020

SEJ's 30th Anniversary Conference (Part 1), Virtual, Sept 2020

Registration is now open for part one of SEJ's 30th Anniversary Conference:
#SEJ2020 Virtual Conference, September 16, 17, 23 and 30, will convene the SEJ community to investigate environmental angles on the 2020 elections and other timely events, celebrate the winners of the SEJ Awards for Reporting on the Environment, and preview workshops, tours and panels coming in June. Part two, the in-person conference in Boise, takes place June 2-6 (#SEJ2021). Special thanks to our partners at Boise State University and the city of Boise for graciously adapting to these changes necessary to protect everyone's health. Go to the conference website.



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