
House Considers Quashing Report on Carcinogens

For years, scientists at the National Toxicology Program have published the "Report on Carcinogens," which lists chemicals known to (or believed to) cause cancer. The "12th Report on Carcinogens" was released on June 10, 2011 — will there be a 13th? Some House Republicans want to stop updating and publication of the report.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 
September 18, 2012 to September 20, 2012

Climate Change Adaptation Forum Focusing on Food Security and Traditional Plant Use

This forum is for community‐level practitioners, academics, government representatives and community leaders who work in the area of climate change adaptation in First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities in Canada and Tribes in the United States.


Book Details Soviet Plans To Wage Germ Warfare With Designer Strains

"In the Soviet playbook for all-out war with the United States, the wasting of U.S. cities by nuclear bombs was to be followed by something equally horrifying: waves of plagues to kill any survivors. Soviet scientists spent decades preparing for the second attack, concocting new kinds of biological weapons more lethal than any ever invented."

Source: Wash Post, 08/09/2012
August 15, 2012 to August 18, 2012

Urban Agriculture Summit

Urban agriculture is becoming an essential element of food security, improving access to healthy, affordable food in a rapidly urbanizing world, generating much-needed skills development and local employment, and improving local environmental and community health. The first Urban Agriculture Summit in Toronto, Canada, presented by Green Roofs for Healthy Cities and FoodShare, will be action-oriented.



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