
Only 3 Company Prosecutions In England And Wales For Unfit Drinking Water

"The drinking water regulator for England and Wales has brought only three prosecutions against water companies for providing poor quality water since 2021, despite 362 instances in which water was flagged as being unfit for human consumption."

Source: Guardian, 06/06/2024

"A Billionaire-Backed City Promises to Be a Green Urban Paradise"

"But it may not be what it appears"

"A plan to develop a new city northeast of San Francisco has been seven years in the making, but until recently, the details were largely kept under wraps. Now that the plans are public—and the proposal has garnered enough signatures to make it onto the November ballot for voter consideration—residents and activists are squaring off to defeat what the developers promise will be a kind of green urban paradise.

Source: Sierra, 06/05/2024

"Atlanta Remains Under State Of Emergency Amid Ongoing Water Troubles"

"Atlanta remains under a state of emergency Monday as it battles disruptions to its water service that began last week, leaving a swath of a major city under boil-water advisories and highlighting the pervasiveness of problems caused by America’s aging infrastructure."

Source: CNN, 06/04/2024

"Schools In 47 States To Get EPA Funds For Clean Buses"

"EPA announced this week that it has awarded about $900 million to school districts across the country to buy clean school buses. The money will come in the form of rebates to participating school districts, and it will help pay for about 3,400 buses in 531 school systems in 47 states, plus the District of Columbia and several tribal regions and U.S. territories."

Source: E&E News, 05/30/2024

"The Other Border Dispute Is Over an 80-Year-Old Water Treaty"

"With another hot summer looming, Mexico is behind on its water deliveries to the United States, leading to water cutbacks in South Texas. A little-known federal agency has hit a roadblock in its efforts to get Mexico to comply."

Source: Inside Climate News, 05/30/2024

A Pot Of Unspent Federal Money Could Have Prevented Jackson’s Water Crisis

"Late in the summer of 2022, the Environmental Protection Agency sent the Mississippi state government a routine report assessing its use of federal funding for water infrastructure. The agency concluded with the words “no findings” — that is, the EPA found no issue with how Mississippi was spending its money."

Source: Grist, 05/29/2024


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