
"Wind Beat Coal Two Months in a Row for U.S. Electricity Generation"

"Wind turbines generated more electricity than coal-burning power plants across the United States in March and April, outstripping the dirtiest fuel for two consecutive months for the first time, according to the Energy Information Administration."

Source: NYTimes, 08/16/2024

EPA Faults Miss. State Communications On Water Risks Before Jackson Crisis

"Mississippi’s state health department did not adequately enforce the Safe Drinking Water Act in Jackson, contributing to the 2022 crisis that left 150,000 residents without drinking water, according to a report released Tuesday by the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Inspector General (OIG)."

Source: The Hill, 08/16/2024

When Is “Recyclable” Not Really Recyclable? Don't Ask the Plastics Industry

"Companies whose futures depend on plastic production are trying to persuade the federal government to allow them to put the label “recyclable” on plastic shopping bags and other items virtually guaranteed to end up in landfills and incinerators."

Source: ProPublica, 08/16/2024

"Plastic Pellets Known As “Nurdles” Are Accumulating Along Texas Coasts"

"On a humid summer afternoon in July, about 40 minutes from Houston, children are running up and down the Texas coastline of Sylvan Beach. Families make camps for the day with coolers filled with drinks and snacks. It doesn’t take more than a few steps near the shore to realize plastics have overtaken the beach."

Source: EHN, 08/16/2024

Protecting Ecologically Rich Alabama Delta From Development, Climate Change

"The Mobile-Tensaw Delta — a lush, vibrant and surprisingly intact over 400-square-mile (1,036-square-kilometer) expanse of cypress swamps, oxbow lakes, marshland, hardwood stands and rivers — is teeming with more aquatic species than almost anywhere in North America."

Source: AP, 08/15/2024

UK Firm Violating Toxic Pollutant Limits At Louisiana Wood Pellet Facilities

"British energy giant Drax Global, already under scrutiny for running afoul of environmental laws in multiple states, has disclosed to the state of Louisiana that its wood pellet production facilities emit hazardous air pollutants above their permitted limits."

Source: AP, 08/15/2024

"Texas Oil Regulator Under Scrutiny As Zombie Wells Gush Back To Life"

"On a sprawling ranch in Pecos County in late July, oil well control specialist Hawk Dunlap used a backhoe to uncover an abandoned or so-called zombie well that had sprung back to life despite being plugged just over a year earlier, hissing gas and bubbling toxic water into the dry Texas dirt."

Source: Reuters, 08/15/2024


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