
Kerry Skeptical of Oil Firms' Claims That Tech Will Handle Greenhouse Gases

"U.S. climate envoy John Kerry on Tuesday urged the world to be “very skeptical” about claims from oil and gas producers that emerging technology soon will allow people to adequately capture the climate-wrecking fumes emitted by their cars, planes and businesses."

Source: AP, 06/14/2023

"Beyond the Yuck Factor: Cities Turn to ‘Extreme’ Water Recycling"

"San Francisco is at the forefront of a movement to recycle wastewater from commercial buildings, homes, and neighborhoods and use it for toilets and landscaping. This decentralized approach, proponents say, will drive down demand in an era of increasing water scarcity."

Source: YaleE360, 06/14/2023
June 14, 2023

Webinar: Generative AI’s Impact on Law

This National Press Foundation webinar is for journalists and lawyers to ask the experts about the risks and opportunities of generative artificial intelligence. 11 a.m.-12 p.m. ET


"Chemours’ PFAS Challenge Affects Semiconductors, State Cleanups"

"The outcome of a Chemours Co. lawsuit challenging a PFAS health advisory the EPA set for drinking water could affect cleanups, public health, and regulatory processes, attorneys said in recent interviews. The lawsuit focuses on a particular PFAS used to make a type of chemical, perfluoroalkoxy alkanes (PFA), important to the semiconductor industry."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 05/23/2023

"WSU Researchers Win Historic FDA Approval For Gene-Edited Pork"

"At a barbecue on campus last week, flames licked a set of sausage links as scientist Blake Foraker worked on the perfect grill marks. ...  With permission from the Food and Drug Administration, WSU researchers made them from pigs whose DNA has been changed."

Source: OPB, 05/17/2023

"Radar, Cameras Show Sea Birds Avoid Wind Turbines"

"Offshore wind energy critics often cite the risk of collision with birds as an argument against the use of wind power. But a new study conducted by European energy company Vattenfall shows that offshore wind turbines at one UK wind farm are much less dangerous to birds than previously thought, a step towards debunking common claims that turbines are a major contributor to bird mortality."

Source: Climate Denial Crock, 05/08/2023


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